The effects of preference for information on consumers' online health information search behavior


张言:The effects of preference for information on consumers' online health information search behavior

题目: The effects of preference for information on consumers' online health information search behavior

报告人: 张言(美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校副教授)

主持人:  朱庆华 教授


地点: best365在线官网登录入口A211室


Preference for information is a personality trait that affects people’s tendency to seek information in health-related situations. Prior studies have focused primarily on investigating its impact on patient-provider communication and on the implications for designing information interventions that prepare patients for medical procedures. Few studies have examined its impact on general consumers’ interactions with Web-based search engines for health information. Using an experimental research design, this study fills this gap by investigating the impact of preference for information on consumers’ online health information search behavior, their perceptions of search tasks (representing information needs), and experience with search systems. It was found that low- and high-preference consumers showed different search behaviors, manifesting different cognitive activities during searching and different demands on search systems. The results suggest that health information search systems could be tailored to fit individuals’ information preferences.


Dr. Yan Zhang is an associate professor in the School of Information at the University of Texas at Austin. She received her Ph.D. in Information Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research focuses on general consumers’ health information needs, their search and evaluation behavior using web search engines and social media, and the design of personalized context-aware health information search systems. Her recent research examines health consumers’ self-tracking behavior as well as chronic disease patients’ use of smartphones for fulfilling self-care needs. Her work has been published in leading information science and health informatics journals, including Journal of American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Information Processing and Management, and Journal of Medical Internet Research. She is currently serving on the editorial boards of JASIST and Library and Information Science Research (LISR).


